Saturday, May 12, 2012

Whale Watching

Dont worry I'm still alive. We have had no internet for the past day because the Wi-Fi was not working correctly. However, yesterday was filled with some good memories and laughs, and also a little sickness. We got to sleep in till 11, which was really nice because the jet-leg is still killing all of us, every chance we get to sleep we sleep even if it is 10 min on a bus, you can look around and all of us are sleeping. Anyways, yesterday we got the chance to go whale watching, which is perfect and gorgeous to do in Iceland, if it's not raining and you don't get motion sickness. From the moment we got onto the bus to the port to go whale watching it was raining, but that wasn't holding us back. When we got onto the whale watching boat, we suited up in these ridiculous jumpsuits to keep warm. (I felt like I was a little kids getting my snowpants on for recess.) As we headed out into the sea, three other girls and myself thought it would be funny to have fun in the jumpsuits and take funny videos and pictures. Oh and we created a boy band. So we took halerious pictures which I will post, and did some dancing (or tried to, because the boat was rocking back and forth a lot) and then I think Karma hit three of us. After a wonderful goofy time at sea, when we were about an hour into the sea, three of us girls including myself got motion sickness, and from then on, it was no longer fun. However we had some really kind Icelandic crew workers taking care of us!

Here are some pictures we took!

Here is Kristin, Myself, Moriah, and Paige 

This is our boy band, "The Fever"
Snipp Snapp Snute!

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